
Returns the PostScript® printer type and PPD specified in the Print Document dialog box.

Reply: sName, sPPD

Query results

const char * sName;
Name in the Printer option in the Print Document dialog box
const char * sPPD;
Name in the PPD option
"" (empty string) for non-PostScript printers
Parameter order in PPrintTo command. Note that the order of the parameters is reversed in the PPrintTo command.

See also

The PGetPaperSizes, PGetPaperSources, PGetPrintCaps, PGetPrintColor, PGetPrintDoc, PGetPrintInk, PGetPrintOptions, PGetPrintOptionsPS, PGetPrintPaperPS, PGetPrintPPDs, PGetPrintPS, and PGetPrintScreens queries

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > File > Print

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